A Dose of Inspiration for the Holidays
The holidays present numerous challenges for us all. Here are two stories of individuals who have reversed their diabetes through hard work. They have successfully made lifestyle and habit changes, and along the way, also changed their mindset. None of it was easy, nor did it happen overnight. It was old fashioned hard work. Some days were easier than others. They each experienced setbacks and successes. But along the way, these two proved something to themselves: that they have the ability to make significant and positive improvements to their daily lives by making changes in their nutrition and lifestyle, and by taking control of their health. They will continue to work hard to remain in remission from their diabetes.
Meet Tom.
When I first met Tom, he told me that his wife had died a few years back, and that it has been tough for him to live without her. He hadn't been very thoughtful about his diet, causing him to gain weight; and his overall health had suffered. Tom was told that he needs to have a knee replacement, but his surgeon would like him to lose weight to reduce his risk of complications, and to make his recovery from this major surgery easier. Tom also had diabetes and knew he needed to make some changes.

When I asked Tom what his motivation was, he didn't even hesitate to answer. You see, Tom loves fishing on his boat and he used to spend his free time pursuing that passion; but now, due to his knee issues, he has not been able to get in and out of his boat. He also wants to be able to play with his 2 1/2 year old granddaughter, who is the joy of his life! He doesn't want to be the old stodgy grandpa who can't be active with his grand kids; he wants to the be the fun grandpa!
During his visits with me, we spent time talking about what motivates his lifestyle changes. He realized that making it through the knee surgery without complications, being able to fish on his boat, and spending time with his granddaughter are top of his list. He wants to ENJOY life, he would say. Together, when he was struggling in his daily life, we would work on strategies to connect with his intention and strengthen his motivation. Changing habits don’t come easily, but Tom continues to work hard. At a recent visit, he told me how proud he was that he didn't "over do it" at Thanksgiving.
His diabetes is now reversed and he has lost over 50 lbs. A few more pounds to lose, and he will be on his way to that knee surgery. And maybe this spring, he may even do some fishing. Who knows, if she's lucky, he might also bring along his granddaughter.
Meet Lisa.
When she was diagnosed with Diabetes in the fall of 2017, it was quite a shock to Lisa. She has some other health issues, and the timing really wasn't good. Of course, it never is.
She had a rough year with several challenging health issues happening concurrently, but she didn't let that stop her. Instead, she decided to tackle it head on. She figured out how to work her new glucometer, and started to checked her blood sugars regularly. She read and learned all she could about this hormone insulin and low-carb diets. She began to make small changes to her diet. She began by dropping the diet cokes in half and started experimenting with alternative drinks. She stopped eating after dinner, and eliminated the snacks. Although she had setbacks and frustrating moments along the way, she always picked herself up and got back to work. Over time, she began to adapt to her new way of living. Her weight dropped and so did her blood sugars.
Last week, I got to give her the good news: She was no longer diabetic. Yep, you heard that right. No longer diabetic. She has lost close to 80 lbs and her A1c is better then most non-diabetics at 5.1
She was in tears when I gave her the news. It was her best holiday present ever!